Thank you for your Support!
My campaign can't succeed without the generosity of my supporters.
Donation Guidelines
Please be aware of the following New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission (ELEC) regulations:
An individual or corporation (INC) may give up to $5,200 per candidate, per election cycle. A couple with a joint account may give up to $10,400.
Non-incorporated business contributions such as an LLC, LP, etc. are allowed but must be attributed to one or more partner. Each partner may give up to the $5,200 limit.
Please be aware of the following Contribution Rules
You certify that you are a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident (i.e., green card holder).
You certify that your contribution is made from your own funds, and funds are not being provided to you by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.
You cerify that you are at least eighteen years old.
Any contribution of more than $200 will be visible to the public on published ELEC reports, listing the amount of contribution, as well as name, address, occupation, and employer of the contributor.
The limit for cash contributions is $200 per candidate per cycle. Cash contributions of any amount will be publicly listed on published ELEC reports.
For contribution limits for other candidates committees, labor organizations, PACs, or other entities, please visit https://www.elec.nj.gov/forcandidates/elect_limits.htm.